
"When you hand good people possibility, they do great things."

- Biz Stone

Animals need us. They need us now. Animals all over Bulgaria are being killed, tortured, starved to death, abandoned. The law isn’t protecting them well enough and it’s up to foundations like ours to reach out and help. We want to do everything in our power to help the animals in need.  Read more about how you can help.

Who are we?

We started as a group of volunteers, united by their love for animals. Our devotion to rescuing, caring and finding home for stray dogs and cats helped a lot of animals be saved. Inspired by these results, we decided to set up our animal rescue foundation - “Sharo”.

How can you help?

  • Donate - help us provide food and medical care by becoming a benefactor
  • Volunteer - we always need people to drive animals to the doctors and help us with other things
  • Be our customer - we don’t want to just rely on donations. You can shop our products here - all money goes back to the foundation and it used for the above purposes.(currently only for Bulgaria)
  • Open your home - adopt a furry friend. Believe us, it’s the best feeling ever!
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